Taking Action In High School

Many students and adults have taken action to make Palo Alto better for biking and you can help too. Each action you take will help make it safer to walk and roll in your neighborhood.
Here are 5 ways you can help fix problems like potholes or street crossings.

  1. Report the issue to Palo Alto 311. https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/services/paloalto311/

  2. If you see a need at your school, work to create a solution. One example of this is “Ian Cramer (Gunn class of 2015) who installed a do-it-yourself bicycle repair and pump station at Gunn for his Eagle Scout project.  The station includes the most commonly used bike repair tools, including a tire pump. If you don’t know what those tools are, no worries.  The station also includes a QR code you can scan with your smartphone to get videos and pictures with instructions on how to make minor repairs to your bicycle.” – https://gunn.pausd.org/our-school/transportation
  3. Another example is the Gunn ReCycles program that provides bicycles to students. Click here or on the image below to hear students and teachers describe the program in a 3-minute video.
Gunn Recycles provides bicycles to students with community support

3. Serve as a Safe Routes to School Student Council Delegate or Transportation Safety Representative for your school and be a leader for your school community. This is a great academic opportunity for students interested in planning, transportation engineering, or community health. Contact [email protected]

4. Contribute your input and ideas when projects are being planned in your community. Click here or on the image below to learn more about how adults and young people are working together to improve the California Ave. Caltrain tunnel crossing.

5. Contact [email protected] to help volunteer for events like 3rd Grade Bike Rodeo setups, Bike Palo Alto and Walk and Roll to School Day, Earth Day, or to assist with bike parking at events around town.

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